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How to Improve Product Photography for eCommerce and Social Media Platforms

In a market where consumers can’t physically touch or try products, your product photos are the first point of contact a potential customer has with your brand. Add in the fact that 93% of consumers consider visual appearance to be the deciding factor in their purchasing decisions, and 40% of online users share good product images across their social media accounts, and it’s easy to understand why product photography is a key player in eCommerce success.

Partnering with a renowned e-commerce development company like Road9 Media that offers professional product photography services will guarantee your product photos are optimized for both e-commerce and social media platforms. But if you’re a brand owner looking to tackle this challenge on your own, our guide here will give you the tools you need to capture stunning images for your online store.

Getting Started: The Basic Equipment for Product Photography

Before you start taking great photos, you need to equip yourself with the right tools. The good news is you don’t need to break the bank to do so. Here’s a list of the basic gear to get you started:

Camera: A DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) or a mirrorless camera will give you the best image quality, but a recent smartphone with a good camera will do the job, too.
Tripod: This will keep your shots steady and consistent, especially in low light.
White backdrop: A simple white sheet or poster board is great for a clean, professional look.
Lighting: Natural light is great, but consider investing in some basic lighting equipment like softbox lights or LED panels for consistent lighting.
Diffusers: These will bounce light onto your product to reduce shadows and create even lighting.
Editing Software: Adobe Lightroom or free alternatives like GIMP will help you polish your photos after capture and before going live on your website.

The ABCs of Great Product Photography

Understanding and learning the basics of photography will help you create images that captivate. Here are the terms you need to know:

Composition: How you arrange the elements in your photo. The rule of thirds is a basic but effective guideline for product photography. An e-commerce development company will often use this technique to create balanced and engaging product photos.
Exposure: How light or dark your image is. Proper exposure means all the details of your product are visible.
Focus: Your product should be the main focus of your photo, with no distractions in the background. An e-commerce development company will use a narrow depth of field to make your product stand out.
Lighting: Opt for soft, even lighting that shows off your product’s features without harsh shadows. Natural light from a window is a great starting point.

How to Optimize Product Photography for eCommerce and Social Media

Now you have the tools and knowledge, it’s time to put it all into practice. Here are some tips to help you get amazing product photography for your brand:

Plan Your Visuals

Determine the message that you want your product images to convey. Do you want a clean and minimal look or a vibrant and dynamic feel? Consistency is key so make sure that your product photos match your overall brand aesthetic. Working with an e-commerce development company can help you define your visual strategy so that your product images are not only beautiful but also consistent across all platforms.

Angles and Details

Make sure to shoot multiple pictures, including close-ups, to highlight key features and details. This builds trust by giving customers a full view of the product so they can visualize how it will fit into their lives. For social media stores, consider capturing your product from different angles and compositions to keep your feed looking interesting. An e-commerce development company can capture interesting pictures for your products while keeping the theme cohesive.

Lifestyle Photography

It’s a type of photography where the product is shown in use. These images help customers imagine themselves using the product, making them more relatable and desirable. So, for example, if you’re selling kitchenware, show your products being used to cook a meal. If you’re selling apparel, feature models wearing your clothes in everyday settings. These types of images perform well on social media (especially on Instagram), where authenticity and relatability are key. An e-commerce development company can help you plan and execute effective and captivating lifestyle shoots.

Natural Lighting

Professional lighting equipment will consistently produce great results, but don’t underestimate the beauty of natural light, especially in lifestyle photography. The soft and even light of the early morning or the late afternoon (known as the golden hour) can produce beautiful photos. If you’re shooting indoors try setting up near a large window then use reflectors or diffusers to reduce shadows on your product and create a soft, even illumination. An e-commerce development company can advise on how to use natural light for your product photography.

Optimize for Different Platforms

Square images work best on Instagram. High-resolution rectangular shots are better for your website. Working with an e-commerce development company will ensure your images are properly resized, cropped and optimized for each platform so you have consistent quality and performance across all channels.

Edit Wisely

Post-processing is where you can really make your product images pop. But the key to great editing is subtlety. Enhance the natural beauty of your products without making them look over-processed or fake. Adjust the exposure, contrast and white balance as needed and make sure the colors are true to life. An e-commerce development company can provide expert editing services to get your images polished and professional.

Test, Analyze, Adapt

Don’t be afraid to test different approaches and see what works for your audience. This involves trying new angles, lighting setups or even different types of photography techniques and cameras. An e-commerce development company tracks the performance of your product images on various platforms and offers you insights into what’s working and how you can improve your visual content.

Contextual Photography

Consider using contextual images where your products are displayed in relevant settings. If you sell furniture, show your pieces in a fully decorated room. This not only highlights the product’s features but also helps customers see how it fits in a larger context, making it more appealing. Contextual images are especially powerful on ecommerce sites where they can be used alongside standard product shots to give the customer a fuller picture of what they’re buying. An e-commerce development company will help you create these contextual images to enhance your online store.

Avoid Common Mistakes

Remember that product photography is just one aspect of a successful e-commerce business. To make sure your overall strategy is solid, check out our guide on ten mistakes to avoid when launching an e-commerce business.

Optimize Your Checkout

Great product images will get the interest they deserve, but a smooth checkout will seal the deal. Learn how to improve your conversion rates with our tips to optimize your checkout page.


Product photography is an integral part of a successful e-commerce strategy. By focusing on what really matters – multiple angles, lifestyle shots, natural light, and thoughtful editing – you can create images that attract and convert customers. Whether you’re updating your e-commerce site or creating content for social media, following these tips will boost your brand’s visual identity.

Partnering with a skilled e-commerce development company like Road9 Media ensures that your product photography is optimized for maximum impact across all digital platforms. Our digital marketing agency specializes in creating stunning visuals that drive sales and engagement.

Remember, your product images are often the first impression customers have of your brand—make sure they're unforgettable. Check out our portfolio to see examples of our work in e-commerce development, digital marketing campaigns, and branding projects.

With the right approach to product photography and the support of an experienced e-commerce development company, you can create a visually stunning and highly effective online presence that drives your business forward.