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Mohamed Hamaki Website Design

Designing and building the official website for the Egyptian superstar Mohamed Hamaki

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Mohamed Hamaki Website Design


Mohamed Hamaki is one of the top famous superstars in Egypt with a leading influence in the contemporary Egyptian music scene. In 2010, he won the «Best Arabia Act» award in the MTV Europe Music Awards.




Corporate website





Building the superstar’s website with a corporate mindset, to represent Hamaki as a full association with a lively developing, and diverse career that’s not limited to singing.

Mohamed Hamaki Website Design

This is Hamaki!

To represent the famous name in a professional way that adds value to his social media presence, we had to focus on data organization and constructing clear data flows, from the homepage to the contact us form, so the website can be Hamaki's real archive.

Mohamed Hamaki Website Design

The timeline

We've built an interactive timeline to facilitate previewing all of Hamaki’s discography (art portfolio).

Mohamed Hamaki Website Design
Mohamed Hamaki Website Design